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Обсуждение на тему: Rust cargo

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Rust cargo

To get started with cargo, install cargo (and rust) and set up your first crate. The guide will give you all you need to know about how to use cargo to develop rust packages. The commands will let you interact with cargo using its command-line interface. Appendices это руководство даст вам все необходимое, чтобы вы могли использовать cargo для разработки проектов на языке программирования rust. Зачем нужен cargo? Cargo - это инструмент, который позволяет указывать необходимые зависимости для проектов на языке rust и убедиться, что вы получите воспроизводимые сборки. Для достижения этих целей, cargo выполняет следующие действия создает два файла с некоторой необходимой информацией о проекте.

Большая часть разработчиков используют данный инструмент для управления проектами, потому что cargo выполняет за вас множество задач, таких как сборка кода, загрузка библиотек, от которых зависит ваш код, и создание этих библиотек. ) самые простые программы на rust, подобные той, которую мы написали, не имеют никаких зависимостей. As you write more complex rust programs, youll add dependencies, and if you start a project using cargo, adding dependencies will be much easier to do. Because the vast majority of rust projects use cargo, the rest of this book assumes that youre using cargo too. Cargo comes installed with rust if you used the official installers discussed in the installation section. If you installed rust through some other means, check whether cargo is installed by entering the following in your terminal cargo --version.

It comes pre-installed with rust and can be used to package dependencies, manage them as well as build and distribute our own packageslibraries. Features of cargo in rust cargo is a command line tool for rust which comes with these features dependency management cargo makes it easy to manage the dependencies of our project, including adding, updating, and removing dependencies. What is cargo? As previously mentioned, cargo is the package manager and build system for rust projects. This is similar to the package managers npm for javascript and pip for python. It is essential for downloading, installing, and updating the packages in rust. Moreover, its a command-line tool that helps users manage a rust projects dependencies, build their code, and run tests.

It helps developers download and manage dependencies and assists in creating rust packages. Packages in rust are often called crates in the rust community, but in this article, the two words are interchangeable. Refer to the cargo faq provided by the rust community for clarification. If you need any help with cargos command-line utility, use the --help or -h command-line argument cargo help. .