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Обсуждение на тему: Rust custom map

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Rust custom map

Custom maps in rust allow us to make our own unique variant of the rust world within the game boundaries. Full list of content available regarding custom maps for now terrain what is terrain and how it works, splat types (splatbiomealphatopology) information. Topology full list of topologies, tables and lots of other useful information how to work with it and make things on your map spawn properly. Volume prefabs all available triggers that youll need in some situations.

Карта была зделана для проекта magma rust 1 я решил вам ее слить ну просто по рофлу - размер карты 3500 - на карте 11 кастомок - есть места для фарма это три острава в небе на них можно попасть если залететь на коптере чтобы попасть на другой остров можно залететь либо перебраться с вышки по зиплайну - это только первая версия карты со временем буду дополнять. Map file must be hosted at a location on the internet where the game can download it from. One of the easiest ways to do this is to host the map file on a file sharing site, such as dropbox. This is a free download custom map (procedural map) outlining south america and its surroundings with some custom monuments that will be added in later versions.

Autocopter brings you all the tools needed to survive the rust apocalypse while flying in your private helicopter. If you want to create your own map, scroll down on the rustedit site and download the editor. You can also check the map showcase section if you want to download one.

There are so many options and features on the app, that it is better for you to watch some youtube tutorial on topic. Map file on a web hosting start the server on the custom map with server. .