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Обсуждение на тему: Rust display

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Rust display

Learn how to format values as text using the display trait in the stdfmt module. See the required method, examples, and implementors of the trait for various types. Learn how to implement the fmtdisplay trait to customize the output appearance of a type using the print marker. See examples of structs with different fields and how to compare them with fmtdebug. Это можно сделать реализовав типаж fmtdisplay вручную, который использует маркер для печати.

Его реализация выглядит следующим образом определяем структуру, для которой будет реализован fmtdisplay. Это простая кортежная структура c именем structure, которая хранит в себе i32. Struct structure (i32)трейты debug и fmtdisplay в языке программирования rust, вывод структуры на консоль, атрибут derive(debug) и макрос dbg!learn how to implement the stdfmtdebug and stdfmtdisplay traits for printable types in rust. See examples, exercises and solutions for different scenarios and formats. Display is similar to debug, but display is for user-facing output, and so cannot be derived.

For more information on formatters, see the module-level documentation. Implementing display on a type struct point x i32, y i32, impl fmtdisplay for point fn fmt(&self, f &mut fmtformatter) - fmtresult get all display info use displayinfodisplayinfo use stdtimeinstant let start instantnow() let displayinfos displayinfoall(). Unwrap() for displayinfo in displayinfos println!deriving display will generate a display implementation, with a fmt method that matches self and each of its variants. In the case of a struct or union, only a single variant is available, and it is thus equivalent to a simple let statement. Display is similar to debug, but display is for user-facing output, and so cannot be derived.

For more information on formatters, see the module-level documentation. Implementing display on a type struct point x i32, y i32, impl fmtdisplay for point fn fmt(&self, f &mut fmtformatter) - fmtresult this trait implements a write-only interface for a display which has separate data and command modes. It is the responsibility of implementations to activate the correct mode in their implementation when corresponding method is called. .