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Обсуждение на тему: Rust exceptions
Rust exceptions
Более того, мы попробуем раз за разом погружаться в обработку ошибок с различных сторон, так что под конец у вас будет уверенное практическое представление о том, как все это сходится воедино. В наивной реализации обработка ошибок в rust может выглядеть многословной и раздражающей. Errors are a fact of life in software, so rust has a number of features for handling situations in which something goes wrong. In many cases, rust requires you to acknowledge the possibility of an error and take some action before your code will compile. This requirement makes your program more robust by ensuring that youll discover errors and handle them appropriately before youve deployed your code to production! Rust groups errors into two major categories recoverable and unrecoverable errors. Возникновение ошибок в ходе выполнения программ это суровая реальность в жизни программного обеспечения, поэтому rust имеет ряд функций для обработки ситуаций, в которых что-то идёт не так.
Во многих случаях rust требует, чтобы вы признали возможность ошибки и предприняли некоторые действия, прежде чем ваш код будет скомпилирован. This match-on-kind technique is pretty much the equivalent of traditional exception handling, where you match on exception types in a catch or except block. In summary, error-chain creates a type error for you, and defines resultt to be stdresultresultt,error. Error contains an enum errorkind and by default there is one variant msg for errors created from strings. Generally speaking, error handling is divided into two broad categories exceptions and return values.
In this article, i intend to provide a comprehensive treatment of how to deal with errors in rust. This article will explore those stumbling blocks and demonstrate how to use the standard library to make error handling concise and ergonomic. The thiserror crate can help handle dynamic errors in rust by allowing the user to define custom error types. This macro allows the user to define a custom error type with a specific set of parameters, such as an error code, a message, and the source of the error. Before talking about recoverable errors and the result type, lets first touch on unrecoverable errors - a.
When a panic is thrown it returns a short description of what went wrong as well as information about the position of the the panic. This article is a sample from zero to production in rust, a hands-on introduction to backend development in rust. To send a confirmation email you have to stitch together multiple operations validation of user input, email dispatch, various database queries. In chapter 6 we discussed the building blocks of error handling in rust - result and the ? Operator. .