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Rust library

The rust standard library is the foundation of portable rust software, a set of minimal and battle-tested shared abstractions for the broader rust ecosystem. It offers core types, like vect and optiont, library-defined operations on language primitives, standard macros, io and multithreading, among many other things. If you already know the name of what you are looking for, the fastest way to find it is to use the search bar at the top of the page. More наиболее популярный вариант такой абстракции для работы с динамическими библиотеками в rust - крейт libloading. Помимо загрузки библиотек и символов из них, этот крейт помогает избежать глупых ошибок.

Например, использовать загруженный символ после того, как библиотека была выгружена. Rust standard library это основа портативного программного обеспечения rust, набора минимальных и проверенных в боевых условиях общих абстракций для broader rust ecosystem. Он предлагает типы ядер, такие как vect и optiont , library-определенные operations on language primitives , standard macros , io и multithreading , среди many other things. Below is a list of 40 crates ( synonymous with a library or package in other languages) every rust developer should be acquainted with. Actixweb - a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for rust.

It is similar to express in nodejs - slightly opinionated but no strict configuration or orm. Rocket - rocket provides primitives to build web servers and applications with rust rocket provides routing, pre-processing of requests, and post-processing of responses the rest is up to you. Rust core library свободная от зависимостей основа стандартной библиотеки rust. Она напрямую взаимодействует с примитивами llvm, что позволяет rust не зависеть от конкретных аппаратных и программных платформ.

They contain all of the metadata and code necessary to build a rust crate and link it into another rust crate statically. Given just the rlib for a crate, you can include that crate into a rust program by using extern crate cratename. , you will still need to have the rlib to include that crate into another crate because they shared library is missing some of the required metadata ( i think ). .