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Обсуждение на тему: Rust print

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Rust print

If you call print! Within a hot loop, this behavior may be the bottleneck of the loop. Разбираемся с макросом print! К этому моменту на вашем компьютере уже должен быть установлен rust и настроена среда разработки. Не доверяйте приведенным здесь текстам примеров, запускайте их у себя на компьютере. Он очень удобен для обучения, позволяя выводить результаты вашей работы на экран. They are used for prompting users for information or for debugging the program. Some of the macros used are format! Converts formatted text to string.

Print! Print! Is similar to format! But the text gets printed to the console. Eprint! Eprint! Is similar to print! With the output sent to the standard error being the exception. Print! Работает аналогично с format!, но текст выводится в консоль (iostdout). Println! Аналогично print!, но в конце добавляется переход на новую строку. Eprint! Аналогично format!, но текст выводится в стандартный поток ошибок (iostderr). Eprintln! Аналогично eprint!, но в конце добавляется переход на новую строку.

You can pretty much print all the things you like with the println! Macro. This macro has some pretty amazing capabilities, but also a special syntax. It expects you to write a string literal as the first parameter, that contains placeholders that will be filled in by the values of the parameters that follow as further arguments. In rust this is achieved with println! And eprintln!, the former printing to stdout and the latter to stderr. !allow(unused) fn main() println!(this is information) eprintln!(this is an error! In this article, weve covered four primary macros used for printing in the rust programming language. Two of them (print!() and println!()) are used to print to the standard output (stdout), while the other two (eprint!() and eprintln!()) are useful for printing errors to the standard error (stderr).

We also dove into the details of standard output vs standard error in rust. In addition to printing the, println!() and eprintln!() macros append a new line to the end of the string being printed. As no one here explicitly answers for arrays, to print out an array you need to specify the ?, also used to print debug output. Let val 3 let length 32 the maximum that can be printed without error let array1d val length let array2d array1d length or 3 32 32 let array3d array2d length or 3 32 32 32. .