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Обсуждение на тему: Rust source

Rust source
Why rust? Performance fast and memory-efficient, suitable for critical services, embedded devices, and easily integrated with other languages. This repository contains a scraped list of all the public github repos with source code written in the rust programming language. Everything in this repository, unless otherwise specified, is released under the mit license. Rust is a fast, reliable, and productive programming language that can run on embedded devices, web services, and more.
Learn how to get started, explore the features, and join the community of rust users and contributors. Rust это язык программирования, позволяющий каждому создавать надёжное и эффективное программное обеспечение. Если у вас есть предыдущая версия rust, установленная через rustup, то для обновления до версии 1. 0 вам достаточно выполнить командуuse the msvc build of rust to interop with software produced by visual studio and the gnu build to interop with gnu software built using the mingwmsys2 toolchain.
Msys2 can be used to easily build rust on windows download the latest msys2 installer and go through the installer. Why rust? Performance fast and memory-efficient, suitable for critical services, embedded devices, and easily integrate with other languages. And probably the best approach to having the sources installed is to use the rustup component add rust-src command, see how to provide standard library sources for intellij ideas rust project? - stack overflow. Current versions of rust are written in rust itself, and the early versions (afaik, long before 1.
How is that even possible? Rust communicates with the kernel directly? Is it written in assembly? Every rustc version is bootstrapped using the previous version. У rust очень живая и быстро развивающаяся экосистема с открытым исходным кодом, в которой множество участников работают над массой потрясающих проектов.). .