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Rust version

Universally existentially quantified anonymous types with static dispatch. Rust is a fast, reliable, and productive programming language with no runtime or garbage collector. Learn how to get started, use rust for different domains, and join the community. Find out whats new and changed in each rust release, from language features and compiler improvements to library updates and compatibility notes. Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

If you have a previous version of rust installed via rustup, you can get 1. 0 with rustup update stableвышел новый релиз языка программирования rust версии 1. Этот язык общего назначения изначально разрабатывался проектом mozilla, но теперь его поддерживает независимая некоммерческая организация rust foundation. 0, such as cargo info, build-dependencies, apple target promotions, and precise capturing use syntax.

Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. Learn about the new features, improvements, and bug fixes in rust version 1. Refer to rusts platform support page for more information on rusts tiered platform support. 0, regenerate tables make alignoffset, alignto well-behaved in all cases partialeq, partialord document expectations for transitive chains optimize away poison guards when std is built with panicabortlearn about the new features and improvements in rust 1.

0, such as diagnostic attributes, asserting unsafe preconditions, and deterministic realignment. Learn about the new features, stabilized apis, compiler improvements, and compatibility notes for rust version 1. See the full list of changes, deprecations, and bug fixes in the official documentation. .