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Обсуждение на тему: Rusted war

Rusted war
Rusted warfare is an rts inspired by classic real-time strategy games with modern tech. Over 50 unique units with many upgrades optimised multi-core engine easily handles battles of 1000s of units. Experimental units for the big late-game battles infinite zoom to view and issue commands across the whole battlefieldrusted warfare is an rts game inspired by the classics with fun gameplay and fast modern multi-threaded tech. You can create and play your own battles and scenarios, or join cross-platform multiplayer with up to 10 players and over 50 unique units. Rusted warfare - rts (растед варфаер ртс) - игра, которая успешно относит себя к популярному жанру стратегии, где все действия будут происходить в режиме реального времени.
Для начала тебе необходимо заняться возведением и укреплением собственной базы, которую ни один противник не смог бы одолеть. Rusted warfare is a premium strategy game for pc developed by corroding games. Its an rts title that takes inspiration from the classics for its design and gameplay. Players will have access to a multitude of weaponry based on modern-day tech as they complete battle objectives. Rusted warfare - это полнофункциональная стратегия в реальном времени, вдохновленная классическими стратегиями в реальном времени, такими как total annihilation и command and.
Rusted warfare премиальная стратегия для пк, разработанная разъедающие игры. По мере выполнения боевых задач игроки получат доступ к разнообразному оружию, основанному на современных технологиях. Rusted warfare is a paid app that offers online and offline multiplayer modes, campaign, skirmish, survival, and challenge missions, and over 40 unique units. It is inspired by total annihilation and command and conquer and has no microtransactions.
Rusted warfare is a real-time strategy game for android and pc developed by corrodinggames. Inspired by classics such as total annihilation, supreme commander, and command & conquer, the player is tasked with constructing bases, building units, and conquering the enemy while defending your resources from opposing assault. Rusted warfare is an fully featured rts inspired by classic real-time strategy games such as total annihilation and command and conquer. .