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Обсуждение на тему: Время rust

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Время rust

A duration type to represent a span of time, typically used for system timeouts. An anchor in time which can be used to create new systemtime instances or learn about where in time a systemtime lies. Впрочем, процесс засахаривания rust идет, применительно к теме его результаты называются lifetime elision.

Первое правило для каждого параметра-ссылки с неуказанным временем жизни заводится свой неявный параметр вместо занудного for example, if the latest stable rust release is 1. The minimum supported rust version may be increased to one of the aforementioned versions if doing so provides the end user a benefit. However, the minimum supported rust version may also be bumped to a version four minor releases prior to the most recent stable release if doing so improves code quality or maintainability.

0 at the end of 2014 libtime was moved out of the rust distro and into the time crate to eventually be redesigned (rust18832, rust18858), like the num and rand crates. Пример измеряет количество времени timeinstantelapsed, прошедшее с момента timeinstantnow.

Use stdtimeduration, instant use stdthread fn expensivefunction() threadsleep(durationfromsecs(1)) fn main() let start instantnow() expensivefunction() let duration start. .

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